DS 61: Proceedings of NordDesign 2010, the 8th International NordDesign Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, 25.-27.08.2010
Year: 2010
Editor: Dagman, Andreas; Söderberg, Rikard
Chalmers University, 25.-27.08.2010
Vol. 1: ISBN 978-91-633-7063-2
Vol. 2: ISBN 978-91-633-7064-9
Table of Contents
Defining Production Processes in Early Phases Using "Solution Space Representatives”
Mathias, Johannes; Kloberdanz, Hermann; Eifler, Tobias; Engelhardt, Roland; Birkhofer, Herbert -
Manufacturing Process Driven Tolerance Analysis of Casting Parts
Voss, Ralf; Meerkamm, Harald; Wartzack, Sandro -
Robust Tolerance Design Applied on Robot Concept Development
Edholm, Peter; Lööf, Johan; Trangärd, Arne; , ; Söderberg, Rikard -
Identifying Critical Areas for Styling Data Based Simulation to Evaluate Perceived Quality Related to Non-Rigidity
Wagersten, Ola; Söderberg, Rikard -
Share it or not? – A Framework for the Transfer of Product Creation Knowledge
Petermann, Markus Alexander; Meiwal, Thomas; Lindemann, Udo -
A Method for Designing Processes for Project Portfolio Management
Gutiérrez, Ernesto; Hemphälä, Jens; Abedi, Aref; Wallsten, Jakob -
Design Management in Product Development Organisation - the Elaboration of Comprehensive Design Management Model
Juuti, Tero Sakari; Lehtonen, Timo -
Implementing Value Stream Mapping – VSM in a R&D Organization
Tingström, Johan; Gustavsson, Håkan; Palmér, Peter -
Use of Design Methods for the Reconstruction and Manufacturing of an 200 Year old Historical Water Sledge Designed by Joseph von Baader
Leibl, Peter -
Towards a Culturally Driven Approach for the Development of Strategic Design Concepts
Liem, Andre; Linea, Ane; Gadaria, Dharmesh -
The Role of the University Centre for Continuing Engineering Education in the Creation and Implementation of Innovation Management Program
Siekkinen, Raili; Riitahuhta, Asko -
Merging an Upmarket Car Manufacturer into a Global Player: Effects on Product Properties and Brand Identity
Almefel, Lars; Michaelis, Marcel -
An Approach to Model Relations Between Product Variety and Manufacturing Process Variety
Huhtala, Petri; Pulkkinen, Antti; Leskinen, Akumatti -
Customisation and Modelling Applied to Electronic and Mechatronic Products
Jørgensen, Kaj A.; Ditlev Petersen, Thomas; Nielsen, Kjeld -
Examining the Possibilities of Identifying and Modeling Correlations between Product Families and Business Processes
Jepsen, Allan Dam; Hvam, Lars -
Development of Modular Product Families: Integration of Design for Variety and Modularization
Blees, Christoph; Kipp, Thomas; Beckmann, Gregor; Krause, Dieter -
Implementing a Wiki to Capture and Share Engineering Knowledge
Amer -
Investigating the Role of Simulation for Robust Plastic Design
Lorin, Samuel; Forslund, Karin; Söderberg, Rikard -
The Role and Architecture of the Virtual Model for Manual Work Support
Sakari Leino, Simo-Pekka; Krassi, Boris; Strauchmann, Matthias; Reyes-Lecuona, Arcadio; Kiviranta, Sauli; Sääski, Juha; Viitaniemi, Juhani; Vehviläinen, Mikko; Rantanen, Petri; Brand, Raimo -
Concept for the Architecture of a Self-Learning Engineering Assistance System
Röhner, Sebastian; Gruber, Georg; Wartzack, Sandro -
Culture and Mobile HCI: A Review
Aryana, Bijan; Øritsland, Trond Are -
Predicting and Identifying Mismatches in the Human Machine Interaction Design - a Method Useful in the Product Development Process
Bligård, Lars-Ola; Osvalder, Anna-Lisa -
Interdisciplinary Considerations when Designing for Children Play
Bjar, Mia; Rabben, Silje; Wullum, Ole Petter; Boks, Casper -
Intelligent Textiles: Opportunities and Challenges for the Industrial Designer
Salomonsen, Cecilie; Boks, Casper -
Knowledge Modelling and Analysis in Design Automation Systems for Product Configuration
Elgh, Fredrik -
Classification of Customisation Means for Product
Petersen, Thomas Ditlev; Nielsen, Kjeld; Jørgensen, Kaj A. -
Information Modelling for Automotive Configuration
Tidstam, Anna; Malmqvist, Johan -
Requirements on New Technology and the Technology Implementation Process
Högman, Ulf; Bengtsson, Daniel; Stetz, Stefan; Trygg, Lars; Johannesson, Hans -
Combination of Two Ways to Consider Design Iterations: Product and Development Process Oriented View
Krehmer, Hartmut; Westphal, Christoph; Harald, Meerkamm; Wartzack, Sandro -
Early Phase Concept Evaluation
Vanhatalao, Mikko; Pakkanen, Jarkko; Lehtonen, Timo; Riitahuhta, Asko; Juuti, Tero -
An Integrated Framework to Support Multidisciplinary Design Processes
Carulli, Marina; Cugini, Umberto -
Delivery Project Management as Constituent Area of Design Science
Suistoranta, Seppo -
Procedural Linking Between Product Requirements and Validation Methods
Westphal, Christoph; Wartzack, Sandro -
The Value (?) of BoP Protocols in Creating Institutional Sustainability through National Partnerships
Printz Moe Solveig Haukvik, Henrik; Boks, Casper -
Comparison of Predictive Data Mining Methods for their Application in a Design Process
Röhner, Sebastian; Donhauser, Maximilian; Wartzack, Sandro -
Rapid Concept Realization for Conceptual Design of Modular Industrial Robots
Safavi, Edris; Tarkian, Mehdi; Ölvander, Johan -
Retrospective Analysis and Evaluation of Non-Nominal Visualization as Means for Evaluation of Perceived Quality in the Automotive Industry
Wickman, Casper; Söderberg, Rikard -
Simulating Geometrical Variation in Injection Molding
Lorin, Samuel; Söderberg, Rikard; Carlson, Johan; Edelvik, Fredrik -
Variety and Complexity in Product Configuration
Nielsen, Kjeld; Ditlev Pedersen, Thomas; Jøergensen, Kaj A. -
Managing Design Change in Configurable Component Based Product Platforms
Wahl, Andreas; Johannesson, Hans -
Simultaneous Modularization and Platform Identification of Product Family Variants
Daniilidis, Charalampos; Eben, Katharina; Deubzer, Frank; Lindemann, Udo -
Modularization of Novel Machines: Motives, Means and Opportunities
Börjesson, Fredrik; Sellgren, Ulf -
A Survey on Stakeholders and Requirements for a New Factory Planning Approach
Politze, Daniel; Bathelt, Jens; Jufereas Kunz, Noëlle -
Throughput Maximization by Balancing, Sequencing and Coordinating Motions of Operations In Multi-Robot Stations
Spensieri, Domenico; Ekstedt, Fredrik; Torstensson, Johan; Bohlin, Robert; Carlson, Johan S. -
Towards Sequence Planning Based on Configurable Product and Manufacturing System Platforms
Bengtsson, Kristofer; Michaelis, Marcel; Levandowski, Christoffer; Johannesson, Hans; Lennartson, Bengt -
Process Orientated DfX Support
Stöber, Christina; Wartzack, Sandro; Meerkamm, Harald -
Creating Value Through Lean Product Development – Towards a Generic Framework
Swan, Håkan; Furuhjelm, Jörgen -
Communication Paths in Biomimetic Design – Supporting a Model-Based Interdisciplinary Information Transfer
Schenkl, Sebastian; Kissel, Maximilian; Hepperle, Clemens; Lindemann, Udo -
An Experimental Study on Comprehending Heterogeneous Modeling
Sadek, Tim; Meuris, Daniel; Wendland, Michael -
Variation Simulation of Spot Welding Sequence for Sheet Metal Assemblies
Wärmefjord, Kristina; Söderberg, Rikard; Lindkvist, Lars -
Evaluating Genetic Algorithms that Optimize Welding Sequence with Respect to Geometrical Assembly Variation
Segeborn, Johan; Torstensson, Johan; Carlson, Johan S.; Söderberg, Rikard -
Calculating the Impact of Form Variations on the Position of Parts
Stoll, Tobias; Lauks, Christian; Meerkamm, Harald; Wartzack, Sandro