Virtualizing the Obeya
Year: 2012
Editor: Assoc. Prof. Poul Kyvsgaard Hansen, Professor John Rasmussen, Assoc. Prof. Kaj A. Jřrgensen, Assoc. Prof. Christian Tollestrup
Author: Aasland, Knut; Blankenburg, Detlef
Series: NordDESIGN
Institution: 1: Aalborg University, Denmark; 2: Design Society, United Kingdom
ISBN: 978-87-91831-51-5
The Obeya is known as part of the Toyota Product Development System and Lean Product Development. Literature describes the Obeya as one of the tools of the TPDS, but rarely discusses what really makes an Obeya work, and what the critical aspects of it are.
Keywords: Lean product development, Distributed work groups, Computers for collaborative design