Application of Design Models in Mechatronic Product Development and Building Design – Reflections of Researchers and Practitioners
Year: 2011
Editor: Krause, D.; Paetzold, K.; Wartzack, S.
Author: Eisenbart, Boris; Blessing, Luciënne
Section: Interdisziplinarität in der Produktentwicklung
Page(s): 87-98
Design models are an essential means for abstract representation and visualisation of information in the design process. Comprehension of design models in interdisciplinary engineering design teams is often hindered by different terminology and different discipline-specific modelling approaches. This paper presents the results of an interview study conducted with practitioners and researchers from engineering design and building design. The study elaborates the different ways of collaboration and use of design models in building design as compared to engineering design, in order to derive the potentials for cross-fertilisation between both areas of product development.
Keywords: Interdisciplinary product development, design models