Using an Enrich Semantic in Design Structure Matrix (DSM) toGenerate Less Uncertain Concepts
DSM 2010: Proceedings of the 12th International DSM Conference, Cambridge, UK, 22.-23.07.2010
Year: 2010
Editor: Wynn, D.C.; Kreimeyer, M.; Eben, K.; Maurer, M.; Lindemann, U.; Clarkson, P.J.
Author: Holley, V.; Yannou, B.; Jankovic, M.
Section: Products and Architectures
Page(s): 221-233
In the context of new product development, highly constrained multi-disciplinary systems are difficult to design and generally lead to a non-optimal but acceptable solution (Seepersad, 2008). Such products are interdependent and imply the collaboration of designers from different design departments who have to take into account various points-of-view. Collaboration starts early in the definition and choice of concepts. Concept analysis is thus a key point in product design. Existing tools only allow the analysis of concepts regarding the component point-of-view. Our industrial analysis shows that several collaborative problems are located outside component design. For instance, some incompatibilities appear during the integration step. These incompatibilities can be avoided by an analysis of interfaces between design departments. This article describe our approach, based on enrich semantic in DSM, for the integration of such multiphysic interfaces early in the choice of concepts.
Keywords: Multi-Physics, Collaborative Design, DSM