PEM – a New Matrix Method for Supporting the Logic Planning ofSoftware Development Projects
DSM 2010: Proceedings of the 12th International DSM Conference, Cambridge, UK, 22.-23.07.2010
Year: 2010
Editor: Wynn, D.C.; Kreimeyer, M.; Eben, K.; Maurer, M.; Lindemann, U.; Clarkson, P.J.
Author: Kosztyán, Z.T.; Kiss, J.
Section: Planning
Page(s): 97-110
Nowadays the notion of ’project’ is often used, however, it is important to make difference between projects. In the followings we make distinction between two groups. In the first group there are those projects (e.g construction projects) that follow the same technological order and building up from the same tasks according to a fixed order. In the second group there are projects requiring a more complexed planning (e.g. product development or software development projects), as the order of tasks can be handled in a more flexible way therefore the technological order is less fixed. In some cases the realisation of some functions/tasks can become uncertain due to time and/or resource constraint(s).
Keywords: Project Scheduling, Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM), Stochastic Network Planning Method (SNPM), Project Expert Matrix (PEM)