On-line lab-experimenta, a help for IPD-projects?
Year: 2008
Editor: S. Vajna
Author: van Schenk Brill, D.
ent is more or less effective than a regular one and how it can be used in IPD-projects. Preliminary data analyses have shown that the appreciation of an online labexperiment is dependent on a number of items, like the educational contents of the experiment itself, the way accompanying theory is presented, possibilities of doing the experiment in an alternative way, the organization around the experiment etc. It appears also that students give serious suggestions on developing other online lab-experiments and the way to use it in IPD-projects. This paper describes the web-based experiment “cube measurement”, which is carried out using a remotely operated robot and image processing functions. The students’ appreciation will be discussed and suggestions will be done on how comparable experiments can contribute to work in an IPD environment.
Keywords: Distance learning, e-learning, remote labs, online lab-experiments, collaborative working, IPD-projects