Uncertainty-Mode- and Effects-Analysis – an Approach to Analyze and Estimate Uncertainty in the Product Life Cycle
Year: 2009
Editor: Norell Bergendahl, M.; Grimheden, M.; Leifer, L.; Skogstad, P.; Lindemann, U.
Author: Engelhardt, Roland; Birkhofer, Herbert; Kloberdanz, Hermann; Mathias, Johannes
Series: ICED
Section: Design Theory and Research Methodology
Page(s): 191-202
Uncertainties in technical systems in the field of mechanical engineering occur during the entire life cycle of a product. In general these uncertainties are understood as deviations from the process and product properties. This fact makes it necessary to develop a comprehensive methodology for the analysis of uncertainties in the product life cycle, which is called Uncertainty-Mode- and Effects-Analysis (UMEA). It is a strategic procedure to analyse the uncertainties and their consequences. These uncertainties can be generated for example by different processes operations or by load changes of the product. In planning and development processes uncertainties must be taken into account particularly in the modelling and forecasting of the technical, environmental and economic product and process properties. The integrated Uncertainty-Mode- and Effects-Analysis methodology is based on a comprehensive life cycle model of uncertainty, which allows the consideration of uncertainties in all life cycle processes systematically, to describe and to evaluate the impact of uncertainties systematically in a standardized fashion.
Keywords: Uncertainty-Mode-and-Effects-Analysis (UMEA), methodology, process, product properties, product life cycle